8 Reasons to Choose Acne Treatment

Acne treatment can be performed with the use of prescribed or over-the-counter gels or lotions, natural alternative methods, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling and laser treatments.

Acne can develop on the skin of the face, back and chest areas. The following are 8 good reasons to choose acne treatment:

1. To Beautify the Skin

Acne (an inflammatory disease of the skin) can cause unwanted redness and breakouts, cysts and infected abscesses. Acne treatments may help to diminish unwanted acne lesions and scars, while preserving a healthy complexion and maintaining beautiful skin.

2. To Boost Self-Esteem and Gain Confidence

Successful acne treatments can stimulate the skin in a positive way, helping to get rid of unnecessary bacteria and oil. Clean and healthy skin portrays a feeling of success from outside and within. Many individuals feel that if they look good, they feel good. Radiant healthy skin can give an emotional boost of self-esteem and confidence. 

3. To Rid Skin of Whiteheads and Blackheads

Early signs of acne are whiteheads and blackheads. When the pores of the skin become blocked by whiteheads and blackheads, acne blemishes can occur. If these early signs of acne are not treated, they can become enlarged and turn red in color becoming inflamed. Acne blemishes start 2 to 3 weeks before they show on the skin.

4. To Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is caused by the sebum (semi-fluid secretion containing mostly fat and keratin that keeps the skin moisturized) outbreaks of the cells that line the hair follicles. Inflammation from acne may be treated by following a specific acne treatment regimen.

5. To Peel the Skin for New Flawless Skin

Chemical peels are known to be very effective treatments for acne. They can leave the skin feeling cleaner and appear healthier. Acne blemishes can be diminished and faded when many other methods may not always work, such as over-the-counter creams or lotions. These skin procedures can be mild or deeper peels, depending on what is necessary to treat the individual’s skin condition. The top layers of the skin are chemically burned and flake off, revealing new blemish-free skin.

Laser treatments may also be given to reduce scars from severe acne.

6. To Kill Bacteria

All acne, no matter which type, begins with a lesion (comedo). The lesion is caused by the blocking of the hair follicle by oil and bacteria. By preventing the development of bacteria and oil, there is less possibility of an acne flare-up. A laser that emits yellow light can kill bacteria that causes acne.

7. To Shrink Sebaceous Glands

Sebaceous glands are almost everywhere on the body, except on the soles and top of the feet, the lower lip and the palms. Acne treatment can shrink sebaceous glands, which is where oil is produced. This oil can block the hair follicles of the skin, causing blemishes and acne lesions. 

8. To Reduce Embarrassment, Anxiety and Depression

For many adults and teens, acne breakouts can be one of the most embarrassing things that can happen. Taunting and teasing can persist from co-workers or peers from school, causing anxiety and depression. Relationships, work or grades can be affected. Getting rid of these built-up toxins with acne treatment may be the answer.

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