Acne Treatment and Oily Skin

Acne treatment for oily skin can be a little different than treating acne for dry or normal skin. Individuals with oily skin are more prone to acne than those with other types of skin. Oil glands, or sebaceous glands, produce too much oil for the face, resulting in clogged pores. Sebaceous glands generally produce the most oil in areas such as the face, chest, neck and back. The nose is the area that is known to produce the most oil on the body, as the pores are much larger.

Every individual is different, and everyone will produce different amounts of oil. Teenagers have an increased risk for developing acne, as the level of sex hormones rises, producing oily skin. To learn more about treating acne with oily skin, read on.

How to Treat Acne If You Have Oily Skin

While there is no way to completely stop your skin from producing oil, there are various ways to keep the oil under control. If you have oily skin, the following is recommended to prevent acne from appearing:

  • Wash your face at least twice every day to prevent the pores from getting blocked. It is also important not to over-wash the face, as this can also worsen acne.
  • Remove any excess oil and dirt with an astringent.
  • Avoid using any oil-based lotions, creams or cosmetics on the affected areas
  • Remove any makeup or products from the skin before you go to bed at night. It is also recommended that you avoid creams and lotions on the affected areas at night.
  • Try to avoid oily or greasy foods, such as fried food or fast food. It is also advised to avoid fish and iodized salt, as iodine is known to worsen acne
  • Avoid any alcohol-based creams, lotions or cosmetics
  • Regularly wash sheets and pillowcases to remove any build-up of oil or dirt.
  • Wash hair frequently to avoid oily hair that can aggravate acne.
  • Avoid oil-based sunscreen.
  • Frequently wash off surfaces such as telephones or pillows. Any surface that comes into contact with the affected area should be cleaned regularly.
  • While moisturizing on a regular basis is not recommended on affected areas, you can apply oil-free moisturizers if your skin becomes dry after washing.
  • Avoid popping zits or pimples. Doing so can result in infection or inflammation, and create more swelling to the affected areas. It can also cause scarring.
  • When washing the face, use warm water first to remove dirt and oil, and cold water to rinse.
  • Do not wear tight clothing if you suffer from acne on the back or other areas of the body.
  • Drink water frequently and stay hydrated throughout the day. Water keeps the skin healthy, preventing acne from appearing in the first place.
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