Candidacy for Portrait Plasma Skin Rejuventaion

Portrait Plasma Skin Rejuvenation is a FDA-approved facial treatment that can reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles, scars, age spots and other skin growths. The treatment employs an injectable solution containing nitrogen plasma, which will rejuvenate and resurface the skin by producing collagen.

Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate for Portrait Plasma Skin Rejuvenation should have a good general health condition and be between 18 and 70. Patients under 18 and over 70 may also benefit of this procedure, but will require an assessment prior to the treatment to ensure that there are no risks associated with the procedure.

Given that the Portrait Plasma Skin treatment is administered though an injection, it may be given even in patients that have various medical conditions. However, the specialist will test a portion of the skin for allergies, to make sure there will be no major irritation to the injection. Patients that can get Portrait Plasma Skin rejuvenation are:

  • Looking for a laser surgery or facelift, but want a less invasive procedure
  • Willing to reduce the appearance of deep or fine wrinkles, age spots, scars (e.g. from acne) or various skin lesions
  • Willing to have tighter skin
  • Willing to have an overall improved texture of facial skin

The specialist performing Portrait Plasma Skin Rejuvenation can evaluate each patient individually and establish if the procedure can be performed.

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