Epidermal Leveling for Adolescents

Epidermal Leveling is a skin procedure which can help patients of all ages, including adolescents. By shaving off the outer layers of skin during the surgical process, teenagers and adolescents can begin to see smoother and clearer skin without the need for additional skin care products or endless treatment sessions.

Epidermal Leveling and Adolescent Skin

While it might seem that adolescents don't have troubles with wrinkles and age spots, the process of Epidermal Leveling can be helpful in reducing the number of acne breakouts. By removing the tiny hairs on the face which can collect dirt and oils, acne breakouts will not occur as often. In addition, Epidermal Leveling can help to remove acne scarring from previous breakouts. With regular treatments, the skin will remain clear and fresh, without requiring additional acne treatments.

Epidermal Leveling also helps to make the skin more receptive to skin treatments, which means adolescents won't have to use acne products as often. This saves money and time on skin care. With Epidermal Leveling, adolescents can create a smooth look which is easier to maintain. Monthly Epidermal Leveling treatments only take forty-five minutes and the procedure is painless, low in cost, and generally without side effects for most patients.

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