Thermage Cost and Financing Options

One of the advantages of the Thermage procedure is that patients can achieve some of the benefits of a surgical facelift at a fraction of the cost of the more invasive procedure. With costs generally ranging from $1000 to $5000 based on the extent of treatment, among other factors, Thermage is an affordable alternative to traditional facelifts which typically costs many times that amount.

During your consultation visit, be sure to discuss the types of payment your specialist will accept. Most specialists accept credit cards in addition to cash or check, but if you plan to use a credit card, be sure to ask the specialist if he or she accepts the card you are planning to use.

If you cannot pay for your Thermage treatment in a single payment, or if you choose not to, many specialists offer installment plans that will allow you to pay for your procedure over time. Most installment plans charge interest, and may also involve additional service charges or fees. Make sure you understand all of the fees associated with any installment plan before agreeing to its terms. In addition, the terms and fees of many installment plans can vary dramatically among treatment providers. If the plan offered by the specialist you are considering is not suitable to your budget, be sure to ask other providers for details about their payment plan options.

If an installment plan is not available or if you want to consider other financing options, there are financing companies and institutions that offer financing specifically for cosmetic surgery patients. These companies understand the value of cosmetic procedure, and have developed a wide range of financing options to suit the needs of nearly any patient.
Finally, most cosmetic practices or spas have staff on hand to review your financial needs and direct you to sources of financing. If you can, be sure to speak with a financial counselor to help determine the best source of financing for your budget.

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