5 Potential Risks and Complications of LipoDissolve

LipoDissolve is a cosmetic treatment that supposedly dissolves fat, letting it pass out of the body and reducing fat deposits in specific areas. It is advertised as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. However, there are many potential risks and complications associated with LipoDissolve, which, as a relatively new treatment, has not yet developed a proven track record. Also, there is no substantiated evidence that LipoDissolve is either effective or safe. Claims that it safely reduces fat deposits have not been evaluated by the FDA. While some patients have reported positive results, others have experienced serious side effects and complications.

Some risk factors and complications to consider before pursuing LipoDissolve include:

1. Allergic Reaction 

LipoDissolve consists of a different combination of substances, as well as different ratios of these substances depending upon the administering doctor, making it difficult if not impossible to know exactly what is being injected and how much. This makes it hard to know if any individual patient might suffer an allergic reaction to the treatment. In addition, the LipoDissolve procedure is not FDA approved, nor are the individual components of the injections approved for this particular usage.

2. Unknown Effects of Liquefied Fat in the Body

While those using LipoDissolve claim that it liquefies fat, allowing it to pass out of the system, it is not known where the fat actually goes after it is broken down by the treatment. It is possible that the fat might pass through the liver, which could cause problems with liver function or even result in fatty liver or scarring to the liver. It could also collect in blood vessels, contributing to plaque build-up and increasing the possibility of heart disease and stroke.

3. Serious Side Effects

Some doctors have seen serious side effects after administration of LipoDissolve, including severe infection, large areas of inflammation, and even tissue death requiring hospitalization and an extended healing process. Less serious side effects can include dimpling or "divots" in the skin at the treatment site. While these are not life-threatening, they are extremely difficult to correct. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some patients see weight gain rather than weight loss.

4. Unknown Long-Term Effects

The effects of the various components of a LipoDissove treatment on the organs and internal systems is not yet determined. Since many people receive multiple treatments in order to treat fatty deposits, the possibility that there could be long-term effects to using these substances must be considered. Only extensive trials under controlled conditions can determine if these substances produce dangerous side effects.

5. Miscellaneous Side Effects

Patients who have received LipoDissolve treatments have reported other side effects such as diarrhea, pain, swelling and lumps at the injection site, and elevated liver enzymes. Some patients have experienced severe allergic reactions requiring hospitalization. Clinical trials continue to help determine what side effects are most likely to occur, and if the procedure is safe and performed as advertised.

These various issues with LipoDissolve have led the procedure to be banned in several states, including Kansas, pending FDA approval. Those considering undergoing this procedure should research it extensively before making a decision. As with any cosmetic procedure, always be sure the administering doctor is certified and experienced in the specific procedure.

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