Aluma for Men

Aluma is a technologically advanced radio-frequency skin treatment that has been designed to allow the RF energy to penetrate deeply into the layers of skin to tighten and rejuvenate the skin's appearance. Aluma helps your body create additional collagen to keep your skin elastic and youthful.


It can be used to improve the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks. Because Aluma works by creating a controlled volume of heated tissue in the deeper layers of the epidermis, it is not painful and does not require a very long recovery time. Most treatments only take about 20 minutes, and you can return to normal activities right away.

Aluma for Men

Men who desire younger, firmer-looking skin are ideal candidates for this procedure, particularly men whose necks or jowls have sagging or whose eyes have tired-looking bagginess, crows feet, or puffiness that ages them. It is the perfect choice for men who care about their appearance, but do not want to take drastic measures such as undergoing plastic surgery in order to renew their appearance.

Even the busiest working man can receive an Aluma treatment during part of a lunch hour and be back to work without any lingering pain, discomfort or redness.

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