How is Mesotherapy Performed?

Prior to scheduling a treatment session, patients will meet with their provider to discuss the procedure, determine a treatment plan and confirm the cost of receiving treatment. At this time, the patient will complete forms, the doctor will review the patient’s medical history and the patient will receive a list of simple instructions for before and after the procedure. It is also common for the patient to receive one to two injections of the determined ingredients to ensure that there will not be an allergic reaction. Because allergic reactions can take up to 24 hours to become apparent, the mesotherapy treatment session is usually scheduled at least 24 hours after the consultation. Some providers also take photographs during the consultation, which allows the doctor and patient to monitor progress throughout the series of treatment sessions.

Patients who choose to use topical numbing agents can sometimes purchase these during the consultation to have on hand the day of their first treatment session. This allows the patient to apply the cream prior to arrival, saving time and allowing the cream to take effect before the injections begin. On the day of treatment, the provider will cleanse the area to be treated and map out the procedure. When cellulite is being treated, the provider should map the area while the patient is standing up, since the texture of the skin can change once the patient is positioned on the treatment table. Once the patient is comfortably positioned on the table, the provider delivers the injectable mixture of conventional medications, homeopathic medications, vitamins, minerals and amino acids through the use of syringes with thin, short needles that range in size from 4mm to 6mm, depending on skin type. The ingredients are delivered to the mesoderm, a middle layer of skin, which has been determined to be the most effective depth for treatment.

While some patients report slight stinging, burning or discomfort at the time of injection, most patients find this tolerable. Patients can walk out of the provider’s office and drive home moments after the procedure is complete and can return to almost all regular activities immediately.

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