Medical Conditions and Velashape

Velashape is an FDA cleared device that shapes and slims the body. It is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments chosen by celebrities and by women who are seeking to rid their bodies of cellulite.

How Does Velashape Work?

Velashape uses radio frequency and light energy to shrink fat cells and tighten the skin. Generally, the targeted areas of the body for this treatment include love handles, thighs, hips and the abdomen. It is performed on an outpatient basis with no anesthesia, and requires no downtime. The process involves heating underlying tissue, which causes shrinking and tightening of fat cells. This "smooths" them out and reduces the dimpled appearance of the skin.

As with most skin treatments, you should drink plenty of fluids afterward. You should be able to resume normal activities immediately. Some patients with sensitive or fragile skin may experience some bruising. Most will notice that the treated area feels warm for several hours following the treatment.

Conditions that Interfere with Velashape

Patients with pacemakers or implanted metal in a treated area (like metal hip joints) cannot use Velashape. It is also not recommended for pregnant women. Patients with uncontrolled medical conditions or obese patients should avoid Velashape treatments. Also not considered good candidates for Velashape are patients with diabetes, blood clots or those taking photosensitive drugs.

For those patients that are considered good candidates, it is helpful to know there are generally no side effects. Typically, good results can be achieved after 4 to 6 treatments.

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