Alternative Uses of Vitalize Peel

Vitalize Peel helps correct multiple facial skin conditions caused by aging and minor physical damage. Some of the specific uses of the chemical peel treatment include correcting uneven skin pigmentation and eliminating uneven surfaces caused by scarring.

Treats Damaged Skin

Vitalize Peel specifically works to rid the skins surface of damaged areas by using powerful acids and chemical based solutions. The face’s sensitive top layers easily break down and peel away, which then become replaced by healthy, properly formed networks of skin. In some cases, such as the treatment of acne scarring, patients will more than likely undergo multiple treatments depending on the severity of the condition.

Treats Melasma and Pigmentation Problems

Other conditions, such as melasma caused by sun exposure, often require equal amounts of treatment when compared to those aimed at fixing mild physical skin scarring. Vitalize Peel helps patients obtain even levels of pigmentation as well. Through full facial treatments, patients ultimately renew their entire complexion, resulting in a fresher and smoother look.

During treatment, patients undergo either a single chemical peel or a more effective series. Based on the patient’s concerns and conditions, she will decide on the proper method of procedure with a medical professional who administers the Vitalize Peel application.

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