What are Chemical Peels?

You may want to consider a chemical peel to remove or reduce the appearance of your age spots if you are looking for a procedure that:

  • Is fully customizable: you choose the depth of your peel and your ideal end result
  • Has been proven to be an effective way to improve skin by years of testing and safe use
  • Will deliver amazing results that can endure for years

Chemical peels are essentially the application of a mixture of various chemicals to the treatment area, which then remove the layers of skin that contain the age spots, wrinkles, or other unsightly problems you want to eliminate or reduce. Your recovery time and potential side effects can range from virtually nothing to moderate, depending on the severity of the treatment you select. If you are a healthy adult looking for a flexible, effective solution to age spots, wrinkles, rough skin, acne scars, or melasma, discuss getting a chemical peel with your specialist today.

Chemical Peels also treat Melasma and Freckles.

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