FDA Approval Status for a Chemical Peel

The FDA approval status for all chemical peel products differ independently. However, no well known product in the cosmetics industry, that use the strong acids found in most peel products, has received FDA clearance for a completely safe skin rejuvenation product.

Safety Concerns

Several reports collected over extended periods of time by the US Food and Drug Administration have indicated that ingredients, such as alpha hydroxy acids, found within cosmetic products continually caused skin damages. Several other chemical additives like hydroxyoctanoic and hydroxydecanoic acid also produced negative reports.

Several chemical peel products on the cosmetics market contain these acidic ingredients. The purpose of the treatment involves breaking down top layers of skin in order to allow the body to naturally heal itself. This allows for the creation of healthy and new skin cells. However, many patients have filed claims directly to the Food and Drug Administration claiming that such acidic additives caused moderate to severe damages.

Current Status

As of 2010, online resources indicate that all store bought products containing powerful acidic additives must clearly print the details on the outer packaging as a consumer warning.

Cosmetic chemical peel products generally lack FDA approval, though consulting medical professionals prior to receiving specific treatment serves as the best option to clearly identify which products serve as safe skin rejuvenation methods.

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