Post-Chemical Peel: Lifestyle & Maintenance

For people who have received chemical peel treatment, the aftercare process is crucial for getting proper results. With the application of different types of peels, varying degrees of blistering, peeling and healing will occur. Therefore, for each type of peel, the recovery process can be quite different in both time and maintenance procedures.

Care after Light Peel Treatment

In general, since light chemical peels are the mildest in nature and have the least potential side effects, post light peel recovery is also the quickest and least uncomfortable. Most people can immediately resume to normal life afterward treatment, though patients are mostly advised to avoid sun exposure for about a week to minimize the occurrence of skin irritations. Some people may experience mild flaking of the skin, but this is very minor and easily resolved by the application of hypoallergenic moisturizing cream. Typically, all symptoms of discomfort will disappear within one week and routine daily care can be resumed.

Care after Medium Peel Treatment

For patients who have received the stronger medium peel treatments, more dramatic improvements will result. Because medium peels are more caustic in nature, they can induce more severe side effects and will also take longer to heal. There are some detailed maintenance procedures that need to be strictly followed after treatment to ensure proper recovery and maximum results. Patients should:

  • Take antibiotics and pain medications as prescribed by the dermatologist.
  • Apply topical antibacterial creams or ointments to the face, 3 times per day, for the first 5 days after treatment to prevent infection.
  • Apply cold compresses to the area 4 to 6 times per day after treatment to keep the area clean.
  • If swelling, redness and other irritations occur, cleanse the face first with a cold compress or with cool water, then apply over the counter hydrocortisone creams to the irritated area.
  • Most of the peeling process will finish within a week.
  • Apply hypoallergenic moisturizers and cosmetics to the face only after the peeling process is completed, about 7 to 10 days post treatment, and resume normal skin care routines.
  • Follow up visits should be made around one week after procedure.
  • Avoid sun exposure for at least 2 months post treatment. 
  • Always apply SPF 20 or greater sun blocks on the face and neck area daily for at least 6 months. 
  • Wear a hat, sunglasses or use an umbrella whenever possible for any outside activities.

Care after Deep Peel Treatment 

For patients who have been treated with deep chemical peels for the most drastic results, the healing and aftercare process is also significantly longer than for medium peels. Certain lifestyle changes are permanent.

  • Most immediate post treatment maintenance procedures are the same as for medium peels. 
  • Patients are limited to a liquid diet for the first few days after treatment.
  • Completion of the peeling process will take up to 2 weeks, but some redness may still last for several more weeks.
  • Patients will have permanent loss of pigmentation on the treated area, resulting in permanent sun sensitivity.
  • Patients should avoid direct or indirect sun exposure for at least 12 months post treatment, and lifetime daily sun block application will be necessary. 
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