Post-Dermabrasion Lifestyle & Maintenance

Dermabrasion is a type of cosmetic surgery similar to chemical peeling that takes care of skin wrinkles and scars by abrading the top layer of skin.

A sandpaper or a high speed sanding motor is used to remove the surface of epidermis by a skilled surgeon. The depth of the scars and wrinkles to be removed decide the level to which the skin has to be abraded. The procedure is almost bloodless, but proper maintenance of skin is required post-dermabrasion. A lot of risks are involved if due attention is not given to the face after the surgery. Since the top skin is removed mechanically and it will take a few weeks before the new underlying skin to grow and rejuvenate, some changes in daily lifestyle are recommended as well.

Post-Dermabrasion Immediate Effects

Immediately after the surgery, patients will feel as if their skin is "brush-burned." The effect of any sedatives or anesthetics for the surgery might leave patients dizzy for a day or two. The face will swell and continue to swell more for at least the first 3 days. Normally, the skin becomes red and may remain wet during these days. It may take 7 to 14 days for these immediate effects to subside and the actual healing process to begin.

A New Lifestyle

Some new habits have to be inculcated in the patient's lifestyle if the complete benefit of Dermabrasion is to be reaped, while avoiding any possible side effects. Doctors suggest a complete rest of at least 1 week indoors after the treatment. During the first two weeks, patients should try to sleep on their back with shoulders and head in an elevated position. Avoid going outdoors while the new skin grows to avoid any infection or sunburn. Be prepared to face some trouble while eating and talking. Avoid consuming food that requires a lot of chewing.

The Required Maintenance

A special ointment prescribed by the surgeon should be regularly applied on the treated skin. Remove and replace the bandages on the face only after washing the hands well. Refrain from using any kind of cosmetics or make up unless suggested by the doctor. Antibiotic and antiviral drugs can be taken to alleviate excessive pain or burning sensations. Skin products having aplhahydroxy acids, Vitamin A or exfoliants should be avoided at all costs. If patients must go out in the sun, they should apply a sunscreen advised by the surgeon. The doctor may also advise the use of ice packs and cold packs on the skin immediately after the treatment. As the new skin is in the healing stage, it's very important to follow these maintenance steps, otherwise the desired results may not be accomplished.

In a few months, the skin will eventually heal, turning into a younger and smoother one. The pink color will subside too, depending upon the skin's regenerating ability and the depth of the abrading procedure.

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