Post-Skin Rejuvenation Lifestyle & Maintenance

There are many kinds of skin rejuvenation treatments available to reverse the signs of skin aging on the face. From topical creams, chemical peels and various laser or light treatment procedures, skin rejuvenation aims to decrease signs of maturing wrinkles, folds, scars and blemishes. Because of the different treatment techniques to address skin aging problems, the severity of the skin problem will dictate the kind of treatment needed by a patient. Discuss the options with your doctor, as every individual has specific needs for skin treatment and care. Skin rejuvenation procedures are not only designed to decrease or eliminate skin problems, they are also meant to give a lasting effect on your skin.

Post-Procedure Effects

Most patients undergoing skin rejuvenation will feel a tingling sensation on their faces. These symptoms should dissipate a few hours after the procedure. Skin redness is also a common effect when the skin has just undergone rejuvenation treatment. Another side effect is itching. These discomforts are common and should also go away within hours after treatment. If a sedative was used to help with the discomforts during procedure, some patients can experience dizziness as the sedative wears off. This should also be temporary, and will naturally diminish after the procedure.

After-Treatment Care

A patient's post-procedure practice can greatly affect the overall healing and improvement of the treated area. Achieving the maximum results of any skin rejuvenation treatment will depend on how the patient takes care of the skin after the procedure. Most doctors will advise their patients not to wash their faces right after treatment, but instead, wait for the evening of the next day to wet their face. If peeling is expected, they should not pick on the skin at any time. Applying a light moisturizer should help relieve the skin from dryness.

Avoiding Direct Sunlight

It is crucial to avoid direct sunlight after getting a skin rejuvenation treatment. The procedure will leave the skin feeling raw and reborn; direct sunlight can cause severe damage to the new skin, and further complications like skin infection may arise. Avoid going outdoors during the first few days if severe treatment like dermabrasion is used on your skin. Always use products with at least SPF 20 on the face to protect the skin from the sun, and this should be maintained. Tanning should be avoided altogether. Appropriate water consumption should also be monitored for the first few weeks after treatment, and protective clothing is recommended to help the skin heal naturally.

Adjusting to a New Lifestyle

Smokers are advised to stop smoking prior to getting skin rejuvenation treatments, as smoking can hinder the natural tendency of the skin to heal. Like in any other surgical or cosmetic procedure, patients are advised to quit smoking at least a week before getting a treatment. Diet and exercise can also help in getting maximum results from your skin rejuvenation treatment. Choosing the right food will supplement post treatment skin care. While there is minimum to zero recovery time for most skin rejuvenation treatments, it is important to follow the doctor's advice to gain the maximum effect for your skin's improvement. When taken cared of properly, your treated skin should heal properly and look smoother and younger in just a few weeks.

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