Treatments that Can Be Combined with a Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment technique used to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and to stimulate regeneration. Chemicals derived from vinegar, fruit and sugar cane are applied on the skin. Depending on the case, doctors may also add high dosage vitamins for treatment. Intensity of the chemical peel solution and the number of layers applied depend on the patient's skin color, skin type and severity of the condition. Chemical peels can be combined with a number of other cosmetic procedures to enhance results.

A chemical peel tightens and smooths the skin, treats skin damaged by the sun, reduces circles and puffiness around the eyes and lightens brown spots by removing excessive dead skin cells. Doctors recommend a treatment schedule of 3 chemical peels in one-month intervals, with 6 to 12 month repetition.

Skin Rejuvenation and Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion and laser skin rejuvenation remove spots and smooth facial skin. After the procedure, dermatologists use a chemical peel to add firmness to the treated skin.

Face Lift

A face lift is a cosmetic procedure done in combination with a laser peel or chemical peel. Partial chemical peels, when used with a face lift, help improve the skin texture after correction of sagging and loose skin. A combination of these procedures on aging skin provides a youthful appearance and healthy skin.

BOTOX ® Treatment

BOTOX ® injections are given to patients to diminish wrinkles and fine lines. A chemical peel can be combined with this procedure for optimal results. This combination therapy prevents lines and wrinkles from recurring.

Laser Resurfacing and Dermabrasion

Chemical peeling is combined with cosmetic procedures such as soft tissue filler, laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.

Laser resurfacing is performed to treat skin conditions such as freckles and is followed by the chemical peel treatment to add glow and luster to the skin. Laser resurfacing removes sun damaged and aged skin to give way for younger skin to grow. As the fresh new skin grows, it is tightened and firmed with the help of a chemical peel.

Dermabrasion is a procedure used to remove the top skin layers with the help of a rough edged diamond wheel or a wire brush. This procedure involves injuring the skin and causing it to bleed, to enable new skin to grow as the wound heals. Some dermatologists use chemical peel to tighten the new skin formed.

Dermatologists use procedures such as light based or laser based rejuvenation to enhance results offered by chemical peel.

Botulinum Rejuvenation

Chemical peel is also combined with botulinum rejuvenation and other dermal fillers. Botulinum rejuvenation is a procedure where a low dose of botulinum is injected by dermatologists into the facial muscles of the patient, to provide temporary relaxation. This procedure is used to reduce some of the most common aging signs such as wrinkles, crow's feet and facial lines. The treated skin is further firmed using chemical peels.

Depending on the patient's skin type and texture, dermatologists will determine the combination of procedures for best results.

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