How Botox is Performed

BOTOX ® is a toxin that is secreted by the bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum, which can cause food poisoning and botulism; however, BOTOX ® may also be used in cosmetic dermatology to iron out wrinkles. BOTOX ® is a substance that has the capacity to relax the muscles in the treated areas, so the wrinkles will also be less visible. BOTOX ® only works on the wrinkles, so it will not affect the texture of the skin.

The BOTOX ® Procedure

The BOTOX ® administration procedure is an easy and fast outpatient treatment.

The BOTOX ® toxin is available as a powder and is diluted with a serum so that there will be no risk of toxicity or paralysis. The plastic surgeon will determine the right amount of BOTOX ® to be administered, depending on the size and number of areas to be treated.

The procedure can be performed without anesthesia, as the injections don't cause any pain. However, you may opt for a mild local anesthesia also or a numbing cream which is applied 10 to 20 minutes prior to the treatment. You may also take a sedative to help you relax.

The patient will be assessed and the problem areas will be carefully cleansed, so that no germs will be present on the injection site.

The solution will be injected with a needle in the muscles around the area that has to be treated. The needles are very thin, so the pain is minimal. The plastic surgeon will be guided by the position of the wrinkles and will inject small amounts of liquid in several consecutive spots (3 to 5), so that the botox solution will cover the muscle and help it relax. There may be minimal bleeding after the needle is extracted, so the treated area is covered with a sterile gauze.

If the wrinkles are around the eyes (crow's feet), the exact same procedure will be performed on the other side of the face as well.

There will be a bit of swelling after the procedure and you must avoid massaging the area to prevent the solution from spreading to the other regions of the face and relaxing other muscles.

Variations in BOTOX ® Techniques

There are no variations in the administration of the BOTOX ® injections; the injections will be administered according to the areas that are treated and depend on the position of each patient's wrinkles.

The variations may be in the choice of anesthetics; some patients choose no anesthesia, while others may get an anesthetic cream or a soothing medication.

Duration of BOTOX ® Procedure

The BOTOX ® procedure takes only 10 to 15 minutes, including the time spent on applying the anesthetic. If there are several areas to treat, the procedure may take up to 25 or 30 minutes.?

The BOTOX ® cosmetic procedure has received FDA certification is the late 80s and has been a popular choice ever since. The effects of BOTOX ® may last for up to 6 months, after which the muscles will be able to contract again. The treatment with BOTOX ® can be repeated.

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