How To Choose a Radiesse Provider

Finding the right provider for cosmetic procedures is an important first step in ensuring that you will receive your desired results in a safe environment that provides exceptional, high quality care. Although injectable dermal fillers may seem like a treatment that does not require as much care in choosing a physician as would a surgical procedure, patients should employ the same rigorous methods of choosing a Radiesse provider as they would with any other medical or cosmetic treatment. Patients can begin their search for a provider by browsing listings of providers in their area on a reputable cosmetic surgery information website.

Once you have selected a provider from a reliable listing, schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options, confirm the cost of receiving Radiesse and determine whether or not you are comfortable with the provider. At this time, inquire about the doctor’s training and experience in administering Radiesse injections. If credentials are not readily available, do not be afraid to ask to see them. Inquire about the number of Radiesse treatments he or she has performed and ask for contact information for previous patients who have received Radiesse. It is also a good idea to ask to see before and after photographs and to ask the doctor to provide comparison information and pictures to help you confirm that Radiesse is the best procedure for you.

During this consultation, you should also explore any possible risks, complications or side effects and inquire about pre- and post-operative care instructions. Because Radiesse does not require skin testing prior to treatment, it is often possible to receive treatment during your first appointment with the doctor. This can be beneficial for busy patients; however, do not allow yourself to be rushed into receiving the treatment before you are satisfied with the information you have received and feel comfortable with and confident in the provider.

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