How to Prepare for Hylaform

Hylaform is an instant solution to reduce wrinkles and deep facial lines that are formed due to aging, sun and facial expressions. This treatment is a dermal filler that contains hyaluronic acid that will also add volume to the face. If you are considering Hylaform, you should know how to prepare for this procedure.

Preparing for Hylaform

The Hylaform injections contain a natural substance that is found in all cells. Consequently, preparing for the Hylaform procedure will not require initial testing. The Hylaform injections are tolerated by all patients. The procedure may be performed under the effect of a topical anesthetic, so you'll want to make arrangements for someone to pick you up after the treatment.

Talk to your doctor about the medications you may take, as some may interact with the Hylaform injections. Discontinue any medication such as ibuprofen, aspirin or other non steroidal anti inflammatory medications that will prolong the bleeding. Even if bleeding will be minimal during the procedure, the doctor may recommend you other types of anti inflammatory drugs to reduce the swelling after the procedure. 

You should also ask about the side effects that you should expect after the Hylaform procedure. After the procedure, you may experience bruising, pain and swelling. Prepare cold compresses and ice packs, plus pain medications and anti inflammatories your doctor recommends.

You may return to your usual activities, however, you may opt to take a day off work, to recuperate.

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