How to Prepare for Juvederm

After making the decision to get JUVEDERM , you may feel slightly unsure if you do not know what to expect. Preparing for JUVEDERM injections is actually very simple, since you will not need to undergo allergy testing. JUVEDERM is non-allergenic and is tolerated well by virtually all patients. As you prepare for JUVEDERM , the primary things that you need to do are to learn about the procedure, check with your doctor regarding medications, and learn about side effects.

Learn about the Procedure

Speak with your doctor's office about what to expect before and during the procedure. Ask if your doctor plans to use a numbing agent prior to your JUVEDERM injections. You may be offered a dental block that will be injected into the mouth, or a topical anesthetic that will be applied directly to your face. Your doctor may allow you to make this choice, depending on your tolerance to pain. You can also ask how long the procedure is estimated to take, and how much JUVEDERM you may need.

Check on Medications

About one week before you have your JUVEDERM procedure, you should check with your doctor about your current medications. Most doctors recommend that you stop using any medications that have a tendency to encourage and lengthen periods of bleeding. Typically, this includes medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. While you are unlikely to have significant bleeding the procedure, it is best to switch to a different medication that your doctor recommends prior to treatment.

Learn about Side Effects

While serious side effects from JUVEDERM are extremely rare, you should be prepared for some slight reactions in the period immediately following your procedure. Swelling, reddened skin at the injection site, and mild pain are some common side effects that you may experience for a day or two. More serious side effects such as major bruising, continuous bleeding, or bumps under the skin at the injection site should be discussed with your doctor immediately.

JUVEDERM is the most popular injectable dermal filler today since it is very simple to use and it works well for most patients. You can expect to have a pleasant and seamless JUVEDERM experience if you prepare yourself properly.

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