Hylaform for Women

Women who want a facial filler to improve the look of their skin should know about a gel filler called Hylaform. Here are some of the benefits and precautions of Hylaform.

Long Lasting

Hylaform uses a substance that is natural to the body called hyaluronic acid, which the body breaks down and absorbs naturally over a long period of time. It's convenient for busy women, since it can remain in the skin for up to a year before it's time for another treatment.


Hylaform works in a number of areas on a woman's face. A doctor injects Hylaform into crow's feet around the eyes, lip lines and other creased areas. Some women use it to enhance the shape of their lips and add volume. It can also be used to fill in acne scars. Women will notice results immediately, including increased volume and firmness. 


Since Hylaform is animal based, there is a risk of an allergic reaction. Women may experience some discomfort such as stinging or burning after their Hylaform injections, as well as redness and swelling.

Hylaform is a long-lasting, versatile dermal filler that can help improve a woman's appearance. Women should discuss any questions and concerns about Hylaform with their doctor before treatment.

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