Post-Elevess Lifestyle & Maintenance

Opting to undergo Elevess, a biocompatible hyaluronic acid facial filler, will result in the diminished appearance of deep lines and wrinkles and overall smoother, more youthful-looking skin. However, you don't want your investment to go to waste. Knowing how to take care of your skin post-treatment will help you keep the results longer.

Recovery after Treatment

Because Elevess is largely non-invasive, you shouldn't need to take time off of work or from most normal activities. However, you will be advised not to let your skin be exposed to extreme cold temperatures or UV rays (sunlight or a tanning booth) for at least one day after treatment, so plan accordingly to make sure you don't spend much time outside.

The first three days, you should expect minor swelling, redness and tenderness in the injection area(s). Holding an ice pack against the treated areas for at least the first day can help keep these side effects to a minimum and also speed up the healing process so you have a presentable face sooner. Minor pain and soreness is also to be expected; you may be prescribed a pain reliever. If pain becomes extreme or the redness and soreness last for longer than three days, you should ask to have your progress checked by your cosmetic specialist in case of allergic reaction or infection.

Long-Term Lifestyle Habits

One benefit of Elevess is that it's rather low-maintenance when it comes to your lifestyle habits. You can expect to be back to your normal routine almost immediately, and you won't have to take much special care not to maintain your improved appearance. However, you can take a few steps to prolong the effects of the treatment and help delay the onset of further wrinkles and skin damage.

Never use a tanning booth and take precautions so that you never damage your skin by getting a tan from sunlight, either. Always wear sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 30 or greater, even on cloudy and cold days. This will delay the onset of premature wrinkles as well as sun damage that results in discoloration of the skin. Don't smoke or expose yourself to tobacco smoke, as tobacco can prematurely age skin as well. Pollution can also affect your skin, but if you live in a metropolitan area, there's little way to avoid it.

Regular Maintenance

Elevess is not a permanent procedure, and you should expect to have a maintenance session every six months to one year. How often you need to have a maintenance session depends on the extent of the area(s) you've had treated, your individual reaction and whether or not you've followed lifestyle habits that can make your filler last longer.

Be sure to follow any additional instructions that your cosmetic specialist may give you following your Elevess treatment. Although the facial filler requires some long-term commitment, it actually lasts longer than many other facial fillers on the market.

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