Post-Evolence Lifestyle & Maintenance

Evolence, a collagen-based facial filler, is an option you may have for reducing or eliminating the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles on the face, particularly the two deep lines on either side of your mouth, the nasolabial folds. If you hope to have this treatment, you may be wondering what kind of lifestyle changes you'll have to practice to keep your results lasting longer.


Your Evolence should not prohibit you from returning to work and most normal activities immediately after treatment, although you should limit your exposure to extreme cold or warm air and sunlight for at least one day. You can increase your chances of healing without complications by avoiding alcohol and vigorous exercise the first day after your treatment as well.

Swelling, redness and tenderness at the injection site is normal and can be combated with the help of an ice pack. You may also feel minor pain and may be given a prescription to help keep the pain to a minimum. If pain is excessive or your redness, swelling or tenderness lasts for more than three days, schedule an appointment with your cosmetic specialist to make sure you're not having an allergic reaction or an infection.

Because of the swelling and tenderness, you won't immediately have ideal results. It will take a few days for the swelling to subside before you have a chance to see how the treatment has worked.

With this treatment, you should also keep an eye out for hard lumps forming under the skin at the injection sites. These lumps are a somewhat rare, but still prevalent, side effect of the treatment and must be removed by your cosmetic surgeon. You should make an appointment with your cosmetic surgeon immediately should you suspect the formation of these lumps.

Long-Term Lifestyle

You won't have to do anything special to maintain your Evolence results, although you can help make the results last longer and decrease your risk of additional premature wrinkles and lines by following a few basic skin maintenance tips. Limit your exposure to pollution and tobacco smoke, whether you're the one smoking or you're exposed secondhand. Above all, stop tanning. Avoid tanning booths and always wear sunscreen when headed outdoors during the day, even during cloudy days or winter months. Reapply a sunscreen with SPF of 30 or higher every one to two hours of sun exposure.


Because of some non-harmful side effects, particularly the potential for hard lumps, Evolence is currently being reexamined by the FDA and the cosmetology market in the US. However, many cosmetic specialists still stand behind the procedure. If you opt to have the procedure, you should expect to return for maintenance visits once every six to twelve months, although that demonstrates that the treatment does last longer than many other facial fillers.

Evolence doesn't require a lot of work on your part following the procedure, but making just a few minor changes to your lifestyle can help your skin stay younger-looking longer. Be sure to follow any additional directions given to you by your cosmetic specialist as you recover from the procedure.

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