Post-Purtox Lifestyle & Maintenance

Purtox is a revised version of botulinum toxin A, which is injected into skin to remove facial lines, creases and wrinkles. After the treatment, you are usually advised to follow some maintenance measures to ensure the best results.

Purtox has been derived from botulinum toxin, which is designed to cure problems like wrinkles, loose folds and fine lines on your skin. Most of the problems that occur due to aging skin, including frown and smile lines, are effectively treated by Purtox. It takes about 30 minutes for the treatment to be completed, and 3 to 5 sessions can fully take care of the affected area.

Once you have taken a shot of Purtox injection, there can be many possible side effects and unwanted results. You should be fully aware of them so that nothing unexpected comes your way after the treatment. If you experience a side effect not mentioned below, you should contact your physician immediately for advice.


Numbness is common after receiving the Purtox procedure. The toxin that enters the affected area can often leave the area numb. It is a harmless side effect and expect its disappearance in the first few days.


You may feel a bit nauseous after the treatment, so it is advisable that you drink plenty of fluids after the treatment. Keeping yourself hydrated will help you recover from any dizzy sensations.

Other Side Effects

Other problems like redness, bruising or swelling can also appear on your skin. Take care of them by applying adequate ice packs and suggested topical creams. You may have drooping eyelids after the treatment, which again is a common side effect. But, if it does not go away with time, consult with your doctor. In severe cases, there may be facial paralysis which should immediately be reported to your doctor.

Required Maintenance Measures

To ensure that minimum maintenance measures are required after the treatment, the first step is to find a skilled and capable surgeon to perform the cosmetic procedure. Avoid consumption of alcohol and tobacco use after the treatment, for a few weeks. Sun exposure is strictly forbidden post such filler based cosmetic surgeries. If the treated area is exposed to sun, severe reactions may occur resulting in brown spots or blistering.

If it is necessary for you to leave your house, make sure to cover your skin adequately. Also, ask your physician for a checklist of the medicines that you need to refrain from for awhile. Do not simply throw away your medications in your home sink or neighborhood garbage, as it may be harmful for the environment. Physicians generally advise an appropriate method for such disposals.

If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle after the treatment, you will obtain all the desired results from the Purtox treatment, with little to no complications.

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