Potential Side Effects of Restylane

Restylane? is the most popular dermal filler on the market, and this procedure has been administered for over a decade in more than 70 countries. It can be safely injected into the facial skin or lips to add fullness to these areas and take years off a person's appearance. As people age, their skin loses hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance that keeps the skin appearing supple. This results in the appearance of wrinkles and other imperfections. Since Restylane is composed of hualuronic acid, it puts this essential substance back into the skin, enabling it to appear full and free of wrinkles and folds.

One major benefit of Restylane is that it consists of only natural ingredients, with no animal proteins present in the mixture. This greatly reduces the risk of allergic reactions and disease transfers. In fact, allergy testing is not required before undergoing this procedure. The injections are administered within a short period of time, and the recovery period is likewise minimal. While this procedure has been proven safe and effective, there are some potential side effects associated with Restylane, and these include:


After the Restylane procedure, the skin might appear red and slightly irritated as a result of the injections. This potential reaction won't be terribly noticeable, and it shouldn't keep the patient from carrying on with their daily activities. The redness should subside within a few days, and it likely won't last longer than a week.


The patient's face might experience temporary swelling. This should likewise subside quickly, and won't interfere with normal activities. If the patient received Restylane in the lips, the swelling could be more noticeable in this area.

Mild Discomfort

There might be some mild discomfort after the Restylane injections, and this can come in the form of mild pain, itching and/or tenderness. If the pain becomes unbearable, the patient should contact their doctor immediately, as it should only cause minimal distress. This potential side effect should not last longer than a week, and it will likely subside sooner.


Headaches are a less common side effect, but some people are susceptible to them following a Restylane procedure. This potential side effect is even more likely if a person is already prone to headaches. These headaches should be mild and not interfere with daily activities.

Allergic Reaction

This side effect is extremely rare and not likely to occur. Restylane contains no animal products, and therefore, this eliminates most risks of allergic reactions. However, it does contain trace amounts of gram positive bacterial proteins. Therefore, patients who have had allergic reactions to this substance in the past should not receive Restylane. This potential risk only threatens a very small percentage of people, as this is not a common allergy.


The risk for this potential side effect is also minimal. If a person is susceptible to keloid scarring or hypertrophic scarring, they should take caution before undergoing a Restylane injection, as scarring is not completely unlikely. The doctor will be able to examine the patient's skin, and determine whether they are a suitable candidate for Restylane.

You should not undergo the Restylane procedure if you're pregnant, breastfeeding or under 18 years of age. By informing yourself about the side effects of Restylane, you can strive to prevent them from occurring, and ensure you get the best results from your treatment.

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