Recovery after Captique

Captique is a rejuvenation technique that is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by injecting a dermal filler in the problem areas. The treatment is most commonly used in the areas around the eyes, the lips and the nose. The recovery time is minimal and depends on each individual in part. There may be some redness, swelling and in some cases pain.

Effects of Captique

Captique is an outpatient procedure. Immediately after the administration of the Captique treatment, you will experience redness and swelling. The swelling will be at its worst during the second day, but it should subside in less than 4 days.

If you develop an allergic reaction to the injections that contain hyaluronic acid, the swelling will be more severe. However, the plastic surgeon will test the injections on small portions of skin prior to administering the treatment, to make sure that you're not allergic.

In some cases, pain may occur after the procedure. Some mild painkillers can solve the problem. Some patients may also experience itching, which is normal. On average, the recovery time is between 2 to 5 days. Contact your plastic surgeon if you experience any abnormal sensations or allergic reactions.

Speed up the Healing

Even though the redness and swelling are minimal and won't persist, you can apply ice packs or cold compresses on the treated areas to speed up the recovery. You may use makeup, but you have to avoid the sun for at least a few days after the procedure. Wear sunscreen. The surgeon will schedule a follow up meeting a few days after the procedure.

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