Recovery after Radiesse

Radiesse is a cosmetic treatment that employs synthetic fillers which will reduce wrinkles and make the skin look smoother and younger. The recovery time after Radiesse is short, but you should get informed on what the recovery time is like.

Radiesse uses a solution of calcium hydroxiapatite (CaHA) which replicates similar compounds that are found in the human bones and teeth. When injected, the calcium hydroxiapatite will not calcify, but remain soft and the substance mimics the texture of the skin.

What to Expect after Radiesse

After the injections of Radiesse, you will experience redness and swelling in the injection sites. To reduce these side effects, use ice packs or some cooling soaks on the treated areas; the redness and swelling should subside within 48 hours.

There should be no pain after the Radiesse treatment. In rare cases, head aches may occur; get some over the counter pain medication if you experience headaches.

It is also important not to massage the treated areas for 4 to 6 hours after the injections, and avoid sleeping on the side or sides that have been treated. Ideally, you should keep your head in an upright position for a few hours after the Radiesse injections.

Avoid strenuous exercises for 24 to 48 hours after the Radiesse treatment.

The effects of Radiesse will be visible after the redness and the swelling are gone. The skin will improve its appearance and there will be fewer wrinkles. The effects of Radiesse should last for 9 months or even more in some patients.

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