Conditions that Triniti Treats

If you are making a decision about whether to undergo a Triniti skin treatment procedure or not, you will need to know if you have one of the conditions the system treats. Triniti utilizes a combination of three types of skin treatments. The treatment system targets the conditions of skin discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles. Triniti also tightens skin.

The Triniti Treatment System

If you decide to use the Triniti treatment, allow 20 to 40 minutes for the doctor to provide all three treatments. You will return for follow-treatments every 3 to 4 weeks. The maximum results are achieved after 3 or 4 visits.

Treats Skin Discoloration

The treatment regimen begins with a Fotofacial RF which addresses the brown and red skin discoloration that primarily comes with aging and sun damage. At Triniti, the RF stands for radio frequency. This RF energy treats discolorations on the face, neck and chest.

Tightens Skin

The Triniti second step is called the Refirme RF. The goal of this process is to tighten the skin through non-surgical means. Again the radio frequency energy is used to stimulate collagen production and improve the skin's texture. The full effects of the Refirme RF can be experienced in about 6 months.

Reduces Wrinkles and Scars

Matrix is the final treatment in the Triniti series. Matrix works to reduce fine wrinkles and lines around the mouth. It can also reduce acne scars. This step is a fractional resurfacing treatment that is an alternative to laser treatments. The treatment is targeted to the damaged areas, which leave healthy skin intact to speed the healing process of the damaged areas.

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