Fraxel Cost and Financing Options

The cost of your Fraxel treatment will vary, based on the type of Fraxel treatment you choose, the number of treatments you require and the results you hope to achieve. Most Fraxel treatments range in cost from $800 to $1200, although Fraxel re:pair, which is usually reserved for the most severely damaged skin and more advanced signs of aging, may be considerably more expensive. In addition, with the exception of Frael re:pair which usually requires only one treatment, most men and women will need more than one treatment with the other two types of Fraxel treatments.

Generally, Fraxel costs are not covered by major medical insurers. However, if your need for Fraxel arises as the result of an injury or medical condition, your treatment may be covered in part or in full. Be sure to ask your insurance provider about any level of coverage which your plan may provide.

Most men and women will not have insurance coverage for their Fraxel treatments. In these cases, there are several options available to help make the cost of your treatments affordable. Many cosmetic specialists offer financing plans of their own, developed and maintained within their own practice or treatment facility. Like any other type of financing plan, rates and terms can vary, so be sure to ask about the type of financing your specialist may provide.

If the practitioner you select does not offer financing, or if you prefer to choose another type of financing, there are reputable financial institutions that offer financing programs specifically tailored for men and women seeking cosmetic treatments. Just as with financing arrangements offered by individual practices, these loans can also offer a wide range of terms and rates.

To develop a better understanding of your financing and payment options, ask your specialist if their practice offers a financial counselor. Many practices have staff on hand who remain informed of all of the available types of financing, and can help make sure the costs of your procedure remain affordable.

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