Fraxel Repair and Oily Skin

Fraxel re:pair is the most intense treatment option for those considering Fraxel laser therapy. This kind of cutting edge therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment, and is frequently used as an alternative to a facelift. It has a proven track record for improving the skin's appearance dramatically, softening wrinkles and removing the effects of sun damage and scarring.

How It Works

During a treatment session, a CO2 laser is used to go beneath the surface of the skin. This laser then creates tiny wounds under the skin's surface. These wounds prompt the body's natural healing response and triggers the production of collagen and elastin. These two elements are essential for fresh and youthful-looking skin. After a treatment, you should notice a marked improvement in your skin's tone and texture. Facial blemishes will vanish or fade away.

What to Expect

Fraxel re:pair usually takes one 30-40 minute session. About 90 minutes before the session, your skin will be cleansed and a topical analgesic will be applied. Your dermatologist may elect to give you a prescription medication, such as Ativan, to calm you. During the session, you will feel an increased sensation of heat, but no pain.

After the session is over, downtime lasts about one week. After that, you can return to your normal skin care regimen.

Fraxel re:pair and Oily Skin

Because Fraxel re:pair gives such dramatic results, it is highly recommended for persons over the age of 45 who suffer from oily skin. In addition to improving facial blemishes, this treatment is excellent for decreasing pore size, enhancing skin texture and tone, and easing blotchiness or uneven pigmentation.

If you are unsure if this is the right treatment option for you, consult with a dermatologist. He will be able to provide you with the right suggestion for your skin's needs.

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