How to Prepare for a Profractional Resurfacing

Profractional resurfacing is a unique minimal invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that eliminates wrinkles, corrects pigmentation problems and reduces the appearance of age spots without affecting the surrounding areas of the skin. The state of the art laser targets the problem areas and creates small wounds in the damaged areas of these skins. Once the wounds are created, the healing process begins. The laser also helps stimulate the body's production of collagen and creates younger and more uniform skin. If you're planning on having profractional resurfacing procedure done, here are some ways you can prepare for the treatment.

A Few Months Prior to Treatment

At your initial consultation, your doctor will make recommendations based upon your skin condition and your needs. She will also discuss any pre-treatment precautions you will have to make. You should avoid excessive tanning for a few months before the procedure. You should also discontinue the use of any topical rentinoid creams such as Rentin-A or Renova for 2-4 weeks before the treatment. If you have cold sores or are suspectible to cold sore breakdowns, your doctor may recommend taking an antiviral medication to ensure your skin is ready for the procedure.

Immediately before the Treatment

About 20 minutes before the procedure, your doctor may administer an anti-inflammatory medication to reduce any swelling or burning that may occur. Immediately before the treatment, you will wash your skin thoroughly to remove any excess makeup or dirt. The entire treatment area will then be wiped with alcohol.  The alcohol should evaporate completely before you begin the treatment. Your doctor will then apply a topical anesthetic that will numb the treatment site and relieve any discomfort. Once the anesthesia has been removed and the treatment site has been thoroughly cleansed, you are ready to begin.

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