How to Prepare for Triniti

Properly preparing for a Triniti laser facial treatment is essential to the success of the procedure.

Avoid Tanning

Tanning is never good for the skin, but it's especially hazardous in the weeks and days leading up to your Triniti treatment. Tanning, both from the sun and from tanning booths (particularly the latter), can impact the effectiveness of the infrared light and radio frequency treatment used during the procedure. Patients must complete at least three treatment sessions to see results, so they must not tan, even after the first treatment.

Wash Skin, Avoid Perfumes

The cosmetic specialist will wash your skin before treatment, but you can help prepare your skin by washing it with a perfume-free soap the morning of the treatment. Avoid wearing scented lotions and perfumes the day of the treatment.

Remove Jewelry

Don't wear jewelry to the procedure in your treatment area. This means no earrings, necklaces or facial piercings.

Discuss Medications

Besides prepping the skin for Triniti, be sure to discuss all medical conditions, vitamins, medications and natural supplements you are taking with the cosmetic specialist before the treatment begins, as these may affect your treatment. It is especially imperative that you alert your medical professional if you believe your skin is photo-sensitive, which is a side-effect of some medications. You may be asked to wean yourself off of medications for a short time prior to treatment, so long as your medical professional believes this will not compromise your health.

Prepping for Triniti is fairly simple, but it's important that you remember to do so in the weeks, days and hours before treatment. In particular, tanning or continuing to take certain medications or supplements against your cosmetic specialist's instructions can impede the treatment.

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