Initial and Long Term Results of Fraxel

Fraxel treatments differ in strength and therefore provide different results, both initially and over extended periods of time. Fortunately, this gives patients a number of choices in order to better suite their needs and skin conditions. Generally, all patients see a significant increase in skin health within weeks of their procedures.

Initial Fraxel Results

Even the mildest version of Fraxel provides patients with a powerful dose of laser treatment that corrects nearly every undesirable skin condition though common in the skin rejuvenation industry. Then, the most powerful version of Fraxel most certainly works to serve patients who seek immediate results.

The majority of Fraxel patients see mild redness and swelling subside within weeks. Under these circumstances, a fresh new appearance becomes visible and takes the place of the previously damaged skin. The longest time interval between treatment conclusion and results remains within the one to three month range.

Long Term Results

Fraxel, a fractional skin resurfacing method, utilizes technology that provides both short and long term results. Patients see an improvement in skin condition over multiple months, so long as the skin continues to develop new healthy networks that will remain in place permanently. However, Fraxel does not provide permanent anti aging results.

Fraxel does in fact serve as a permanent solution to skin pigmentation imbalances in that once the discolored skin becomes replaced, it does not have a chance to resurface unless the patient does not follow the recommended post procedural practices.

Long term results occur as a continuation of the initial results through the body’s natural healing process and through maintaining healthy skin maintenance habits.  

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