Recovery after Profractional Resurfacing

The kind of new cosmetic dermatology treatment that doctors call profractional resurfacing is an intriguing innovation – rather than just attacking the outer layers of the skin, like previous ablative lasers, profractional resurfacing lasers go to the “heart” of the facial tissues around the skin, to create small disturbances or “wounds” that the body quickly heals with collagen (something that ultimately improves the look of the skin for most patients). But, some patients who are considering this kind of cosmetic treatment might be wondering about the recovery. So what’s recovery like after profractional resurfacing? Although each patient responds differently to various cosmetic treatments and procedures, some general guidelines can really help those who are considering this type of elective laser session.

The First Few Days

Directly after your profractional resurfacing treatment, the skin may be excessively red in color. Your skin may start peeling, which is normal. In about a week, the peeling should stop, and the skin should develop a more even tone.

Because of the relatively noninvasive nature of profractional resurfacing laser therapy, most patients can go back to work or back to their regular schedules the day after the laser session. This makes profractional resurfacing a convenient way to rejuvenate the skin and provide for smoothing away wrinkles or fine lines from facial areas, as well as diminishing acne scarring or the visual effects of sun damage on the skin.

The Next Few Months

Doctors will often tell patients who get profractional resurfacing laser treatment to stay out of the sun for up to three months. When these individuals do need to go out in direct sunlight, sunscreen lotions and sprays of 30 SPF or higher will help limit the effects of potentially harmful UV rays.

Doctors will often give patients a topical antimicrobial cream or ointment to apply in the days after a profractional resurfacing procedure. They may also recommend home care treatments such as ice packs to help the skin heal faster from a profractional resurfacing session.

More Recovery Tips

In addition to ice packs or similar treatments, good home care can help you regenerate faster and get quicker recovery from profractional resurfacing. A good diet and appropriate exercise can help. Stress reduction is also an important part of a strategy for making the most out of a profractional resurfacing treatment and maintaining visual results.

Although this covers many of the basics that doctors routinely report for patients getting profractional resurfacing laser therapy, there are a lot more details that may apply to you as a specific patient and your candidacy for profractional resurfacing. Be sure to ask your doctor about any potential risks, complications or side effects of this treatment. Mention any known allergies and provide a list of existing medical conditions and prescription drugs that you may be taking.

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