7 Reasons to Choose PureLipo

PureLipo is a minimally invasive body sculpting procedure that will extract fat from problem zones of the body including the abdomen, buttocks, face and neck. The PureLipo procedure employs a thin cannula to reduce the adipose tissue and give a leaner look to the treated areas. PureLipo has a lot of benefits, and these are just a few reasons to opt for the procedureL

1. Removes Fat

PureLipo is the ideal treatment for patients that want to lose a few pounds from different areas such as the abdomen, things, buttocks, back, arms, face and neck. Traditional liposuction is too aggressive, so this procedure cannot be applied on the face and neck areas, which are very sensitive. PureLipo can be applied on the face and neck.

The PureLipo treatment will use a cannula that will extract fat deposits which are injected with a diluted local anesthetic.

2. No Skin Damage or Dimpling

The PureLipo procedure is performed using a cannula that is attached to a suction tube. The cannula is thin and will suction the fat cells and the skin will not be damaged.

Traditional liposuction may cause skin dimpling, but the PureLipo procedure will give an even skin surface. In addition, PureLipo is suitable for all skin types and tones, and it will not cause skin discoloration or hyperpigmentation.

3. Minimally Invasive Procedure

PureLipo will consist of the injection of the fat tissues with a diluted solution of local anesthetic. After the anesthetic starts making its effect, the plastic surgeon will make a few small incisions where the cannula and the suction tube will be introduced. The cannula will be dragged back and forth until the desired amount of fat is extracted. The incisions are small and will typically heal without leaving any marks.

4. Only Tumescent Anesthesia Is Required

The tumescent anesthesia is performed by injecting diluted amounts of local anesthetic. The skin will become swollen and firm and will help the plastic surgeon suction the fat. The fact that only local anesthesia is required will eliminate the risks associated with general anesthesia; in addition, the tumescent anesthesia will also reduce the pain during the surgery.

5. Minimal Side Effects

Due to the fact the PureLipo procedure employs tumescent anesthesia, the bleeding during the procedure will be minimal, so the patient will not lose large amounts of blood (as may often happen during traditional liposuction procedures).

The bruising after the procedure will be minimal and the swelling should also subside in 3 to 5 days. The PureLipo treatment will not leave any scars, while traditional liposuction may result in scarring.

6. Minimal Recovery Time

The recovery period required after the PureLipo treatment is up to 1 week. Traditional liposuction may require several weeks of recovery time and hospitalization.

However, the optimal results of the PureLipo procedure will be visible only after 2 to 4 months after the surgery.

7. Cost

The cost of a PureLipo procedure is minimal compared to the cost of traditional liposuction. Considering the other benefits and advantages of the PureLipo procedure over the traditional liposuction, PureLipo is clearly worth the cost.

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