How to Prepare for Cool Lipo

Cool Lipo can remove fat from small areas of your body, such as the face, neck, arms, stomach or knees. The procedure is technically called laser assisted lipolysis, as it is performed with the help of a laser. If you have opted for cool lipo, it’s helpful to know how to prepare for the procedure.

Before the Procedure

The procedure will involve the usage of a 1320 nm wavelength laser and will need local anesthesia. You need to eat before the procedure to make sure you won’t faint or have any abnormal reactions to the anesthetic. Let your plastic surgeon know in case you are allergic to anesthesia.

If you are taking birth control pills, your surgeon may advise you to stop taking them prior to the surgery, to prevent the accumulation of blood clots.

You should not take any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication a week before the surgery. Smoking should be avoided at least one week before and after the surgery. In case you lose weight, make sure you won’t gain it back, as sudden weight gain can affect the long term results of cool lipo.

During the Procedure

To be fully prepared, it’s also helpful to know what happens during the procedure. The procedure consists of tiny incisions made on the surface of your skin in the area where the fat will be removed. A tube containing a minuscule laser fiber will be inserted and this will be drawn back and forth, liquefying the fat and removing it. You won’t feel any pain, as you will be under anesthesia.

The cool lipo is an outpatient procedure, but due to the anesthesia, it may be advisable to have someone take you home after the surgery.

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