Medical Conditions and Lipolite Laser Liposculpture

Lipolite laser liposculpture is a fast way to remove excess fat tissue with minimal swelling, bleeding and recovery time. However, you should be upfront with your cosmetic surgeon about any medical conditions you have, as they can affect your eligibility for the procedure.

Autoimmune or Blood Disorders

You may not be able to have lipolite laser liposculpture performed if you suffer from autoimmune or blood disorders. Autoimmune disorders include rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Choron's disease, type 1 diabetes, fibromyalgia and more. Blood disorders can refer to a tendency to clot, hemophilia and high blood pressure, among others. If you're not sure if your autoimmune or blood disorder bars you from having the procedure performed, discuss your condition and current treatment with your cosmetic surgeon.


Despite the intended effects of the lipolite laser liposculpture procedure, it cannot safely remove excess fat tissue in most areas for patients who are more than 25 pounds overweight. You may have to discuss other weight loss surgeries and procedures if you intend to lose a lot of weight with assistance.


Because the liposculpture procedure makes use of lasers, you may experience some difficulties if your skin is especially photosensitive. Photosensitivity can be a genetic condition or a side effect of a medical disorder, but it may also be a temporary side effect of certain medications. Acne medications such as Accutane may make you photosensitive for up to six months after you stop taking the medication.

Other Health Conditions

Lipolite laser liposculpture works best with patients who are healthy. That's not to say that you can't have a minor medical condition and have the procedure performed, but you should check any health conditions you have with your cosmetic surgeon to be sure.

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