Smart Lipo and Oily Skin

Smart Lipo is used to reduce fat cells from different problem areas such as the abdomen or buttocks, but may be applied on more sensitive areas such as the face and the neck. The Smart Lipo procedure can be successfully applied in patients with oily skin.

Effects of Smart Lipo on Oily Skin

Smart Lipo is a liposuction procedure that uses a suction machine that is attached to a cannula to extract the fat. However, prior to extracting the fat cells, these are liquefied, which makes them easier to remove and will cause no skin damage.

In patients with oily skin, Smart Lipo will be performed in the same manner as in patients with other skin types. The results will be the same also. The oiliness of the skin doesn’t affect the results of Smart Lipo, as Smart Lipo is performed under the skin and the skin will not be treated in any part of the procedure.

After the procedure, there may be some drainage from the incision sites, so a protective bandage should be worn. Patients with oily skin should continue to apply their normal moisturizers and creams after the procedure.

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