Vaser Liposelection

It’s no surprise that fat removal, cellulite reduction, and body contouring treatments have grow in interest along with other elective procedures such as plastic surgery, injections (Botox and Restylane) and laser treatments.  As is the case with many of these procedures, finding the appropriate fat removal and cellulite reduction program for your situation can represent the biggest challenge.

Some of the newer technologies that have made their way onto the cosmetic scene utilize radiofrequency, deep dermal tissue heating, laser-assisted liposuction, injections of fat dissolving substances, tissue massage, or any number of combinations of these treatments.

One service that is obtaining renewed interest is the VaserLipo System and Vaser HD (Vaser High Def) by Sound Surgical Technologies.  VASER is an acronym for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.  The first VaserLipo was introduced in March 2001, and since then Sound Surgical Technologies has received FDA approval for a third generation VaserLipo system for body contouring using sound waves. 

Unlike traditional fat removal and body contouring treatments, VaserLipo utilizes ultrasonic energy (sound waves), not laser energy, to break apart fat particles to emulsify the fat for easier removal than with traditional methods. The key component of this method is the ability to emulsify the fat prior to removal which results in decreased aspiration/suction time.  One VaserLipo practitioner likened this ultrasonic technology to a tuning fork placed on a soap bubble. 

Those that use VaserLipo feel that the body sculpting and fat reduction capability is superior to other systems because of the selectivity of the fat tissue being targeted (selective emulsifying) combined with improved fluid management, which results in less bruising, less post-procedure swelling, and overall less pain during recovery.

Many VaserLipo users combine technologies for improved outcomes.  For example, practitioners will utilize VaserLipo for larger areas of fat debulking, followed by SmartLipo (laser-assisted liposuction) for smaller areas.  Like most modalities, VaserLipo is marketed for those patients that are concerned with areas of fat deposits that do not respond to diet changes and exercise. Therefore, most areas of the body are treatable with VaserLipo.  Consistent with the “gold standard” of traditional liposuction, VaserLipo still requires heat, motion, and suction with the only difference being the ultrasonic component for emulsification of the fat particles.

VaserLipo and Vaser HD  are not without valid concerns.  Some practitioners are aware of complications with the first generation system which lacked consistent control over tissue heating.  Although most acknowledge that the treatments can work well, some practitioners have expressed concerned over complication rates.

Despite which side of the fence one sits on when it comes to Vaser technology, all will agree that any fat reduction or body sculpting procedure relies heavily on technique and experience.  Equally important is whether or not the patient is an appropriate candidate for the procedure.  These treatments are not a substitute for a weight loss program and should never replace the benefits of weight loss through diet and exercise. 

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