What to Expect During Slim Lipo

Liposuction is among the most popular cosmetic procedures. Slim Lipo is a new treatment option that has the effects of a liposuction with minimal down time. The procedure uses laser beams that melt the fat, and this is then extracted or eliminated by the lymphatic system. If you are planning a Slim Lipo procedure, you should learn what to expect during this procedure.

Before the Slim Lipo

Slim Lipo is performed under tumescent anesthesia; the plastic surgeon will inject an anesthetic fluid subcutaneously and this will make the treated area numb. You will be conscious, but won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

If you have several areas that require treatment, a general anesthesia is more appropriate.

During the Slim Lipo

Slim Lipo is a procedure that employs a thin laser fiber with the wavelength between 924 nm and 975 nm.

The surgeon will mark the areas and delimit them, and then he will make a few incisions where the laser fiber will be introduced. The laser fiber is dragged back and forth so that it covers all areas and melts the fat. You won’t feel any pain.

When the fat is in liquid form, the plastic surgeon will get a cannula and suction the fat. Sutures are not needed, as the incisions are insignificant. If you have minimal amounts of fat (up to 5 pounds) the surgeon will not aspirate the fat, but let the body eliminate it through a natural process. After the procedure, the surgeon will place a bandage on the treated areas.

Depending on the size of the area treated, the Slim Lipo procedure may take from 40 minutes to 3 hours.

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