Iron Out the Wrinkles

The Cosmetic Physicians Association of Australasia released a report today in the Sydney Morning Herald urging Botox users to take caution and abide by guidelines laid out by physicians and the national guidelines for injections. The discussion arose after research has been done about pregnancy and botox use - in 2005 a case was found which may be linking botox injections in a pregnant woman to the child's deafness and blindness. CPSA Dr. Gabrielle Caswell said, "Botulinum toxin should not be prescribed to pregnant women and we advise our members to strictly follow these guidelines. Botulinum toxin has a long history of efficacy and a robust safety profile, however there are some circumstances, such as during pregnancy, breastfeeding, glaucoma and neuromuscular disease where it is not an appropriate medication." It is critical that an aura of caution and responsibility be taken prior to receiving anti-aging facial fillers like Botox. Also it is important to know that the CPSA has said the woman with the child with birth defects was being injected numerous times during the 1st month of her pregnancy, which is why potential patients who are pregnant should speak to their physicians prior to treatment.
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