The Price for Beautiful Eyelashes

Latisse_derma_blog_july09.JPG In order to get beautiful eyelashes, women traditionally turn to their tube of mascara. Mascara, although relatively cheap, is only a temporary fix and usually involves a mess to remove. Allergan's introduction of Latisse, a prescription eyelash lengthener and thickener, has been praised by many women as an answer to their prayers for beautiful eyes. "The active ingredient in Latisse is Bimatoprost, a prostaglandin used in the glaucoma drug Lumigan. When doctors saw little old ladies and others taking Lumigan develop Mata Hari eyelashes, researchers began investigating Bimatoprost for its lash-making ability" reports the Memphis Commercial Appeal website. Latisse may be more expensive than a normal tube of mascara, ranging from 100-200 dollars depending on location. The prescription is FDA approved and is applied just like eyeliner. There are a few side effects, but they generally fade. The product is even being used off-label as an eyebrow thickener.
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