Laser Removal of Moles

There are numerous methods to remove moles and among them is laser.

Although laser has been tried for moles, it is not usually the method of choice for most deep moles because the laser light doesn't penetrate the skin deeply enough. The laser is only effective for the most superficial moles. There are powerful lasers which can cut and penetrate deep into the tissues, but these can cause a lot of pain and are not safe for use in an office.

Lasers generate a beam of light which produces heat energy. The heat energy breaks up the pigments in the mole into small particles which are later removed by the body.

Multiple laser treatments are required even for the very small mole. For the deeper moles, the heat required would cause pain and not be tolerated by the patient.

Because the laser does sting, topical anesthetic is applied or injected to decrease the sensation of pain.

The procedure usually takes anywhere from 5-10 minutes.

After laser therapy, the treated area is dark and may appear bruised. The mole will become dry and turn into a scab and eventually fall off.

The results of laser for mole treatment are not immediately apparent any may take several weeks.

After laser treatment, sun exposure to the treated area should be avoided to prevent skin discoloration.

Lasers are best suited for the flat and small moles.

Anyone with large and deeply penetrating moles which have been present for a long time, are not candidates for laser.

Even though lasers are safe they can cause

- pain

- bleeding

- bruising

- skin discoloration

- scarring

- infection

- failure to remove the mole

Laser is also an expensive mode of treatment. Each session of laser may cost anywhere from $200-400 and multiple sessions may be required.

Alternative methods of mole removal like surgery are preferred. The results are immediate and cost less.

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