Orange County Smart Lipo

Smart lipo is an amazing new way that you can have unwanted body fat removed with minimal pain. There are no bulky tubes or uncomfortable office visits that were once necessary for liposuction, because SmartLipo has smaller instruments and a unique technology that zaps fat cells for contouring and reshaping areas of the that include the abdomen, love handles, backs, thighs, hips, knees, arms, neck and chin. Talk to a plastic surgeon in the Orange County area about your goals and expectations, and to determine if you would be a good candidate for Smartlipo.

The Procedure

Your surgeon will fill the targeted area with a saline solution. This solution will not only numb the site, but will shrink your blood vessels as well. The laser is inserted into the skin and heats the fat cells to 45 degrees centigrade, resulting in a breakdown of membranes and release of liquid fat. A small incision is made in the area and tiny tubes are inserted to suck out the dissolved fat cells. As the laser melts the fats, it also coagulates the loose ends of small blood vessels. Compression garments are optional as the area will not bleed very much after the laser is removed. The healing-tissues do the rest of the work in contracting the treated area as well as the overlying skin.

Fat cells are targeted with a special laser that uses sound energy to literally dissolve the cells on contact. The dissolved fat is massaged out of the body with a gentle suction. A small amount of fat is retained; it's absorbed in your body and excreted as waste within 24 hours.

Anesthesia and Recovery

Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia. With this technique, the small blood vessels coagulate immediately on contact, resulting in less bleeding, swelling and bruising ? and a quicker recovery time. Because general anesthesia is unnecessary, the procedure is very safe, with only minimal side effects.

Treatments and Cost

For most patients, typically only one treatment is required. The session may last from 45 minutes to one hour for each area treated. SmartLipo is not for everyone and only a discussion with a cosmetic surgeon will enable you to decide whether you want to have SmartLipo done. The average cost is $5,000 and a typical visit will last about one hour.

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