Prevention of Hives

The cause of hives is not always known and despite an extensive search, a cause may never be found in some cases. However, hives can be prevented in most cases if the triggers are known. Prevention is worth it because episodes of hives are unpleasant. Preventive measures should include:

Avoid known triggers: Most individuals develop hives in relation to foods or medications. Today, there are numerous drugs, herbs, nutrients and chemicals sold all over the place and the ingredients contained in the majority of these products remain unknown. To be safe, buy drugs and nutrients from reputable dealers.

Keep a diary: If you have had hives from certain foods, maintain a diary and log to monitor what you need. This will help you avoid foods which create the problem.

Avoid cold exposures: Cold exposure is a common cause of hives in the younger population. This is commonly seen in the winter months. To avoid the cold induced urticaria, wear proper clothing, gloves and scarves.

Sun exposure:
Sun exposure can cause hives in susceptible individuals. This is common during the summer months. This can be prevented by either avoiding the sun altogether or wearing sunscreens. Younger adults frequently do not adhere to these recommendations and continue to develop sun induced hives.

Cosmetic and Hair products
: Many individuals develop hives after exposure to cosmetic products and hair chemicals. The majority of these hair products and cosmetics contain numerous chemicals which are protein in nature. There are many other unknown products which are also not listed in these cosmetics. The only way to avoid cosmetic induced hives is to keep a note of what type of product caused the disorder and avoid it in future.

Herbs and nutrients:
The herbal and mineral industry is flourishing. There are literally 1000s of herbs and nutrients sold all over the country. The majority of these products are a combination of complex plants, herbs, roots and other additives. Contamination is common with these products. Everyday, there are reports of hives induced from such products. The difficulty is that the industry is poorly regulated and the ingredients- both quality and quantity of the ingredients are not controlled. The only way to avoid hives from these agents is to buy these products from reputable dealers.

Self-care: If you experience hives at home, the following tips may help you manage the hives

- Avoid scratching or rubbing the hives

- Do not break the blisters

- Take a cold shower

- Apply cool compresses

- Wear light loose and comfortable clothing

- Sleep in a cool room

- If there is itch, apply a moisturizing cream

- If you experience difficulty breathing, chest pain or worsening of the condition, go to the hospital at once.

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