Smart Lipo is a Non-Invasive Laser Liposuction Technique

In Rosedale, New York, patients are discovering the benefits and advantages that Smart Lipo has to offer. While there are inherent risks with any medical procedure of this nature, Smart Lipo offers a non-invasive laser liposuction procedure that has helped many patients achieve their body contouring goals. No incisions are used in this procedure, and a general anesthetic is unnecessary. This attracts many patients to this treatment, as other traditional liposuction techniques may require both incisions and a general anesthetic.

As laser technology has continually expanded, the capabilities of cosmetic physicians and surgeons have also seen significant advancements. Lasers have been implemented into several treatments in the cosmetic industry, including liposuction, hair removal, tattoo removal, acne treatment and others. Patients who are interested in this laser treatment and others like it should consult a medical professional for more information on any risks and side effects that may be associated with it.

Before the procedure, the doctor will carefully mark the areas that are going to be treated. The doctor will then apply a local anesthetic to the areas. A handheld device is used to direct the laser energy towards the patient's skin. The laser energy penetrates to the fat cells beneath the skin, breaking them apart. The fat cells will eventually liquefy and will be removed by the body in the days following the procedure. The laser energy is also helpful in promoting the growth of new collagen, which may help to tighten the skin and improve its overall appearance.

Additionally, small blood vessels are sealed by the laser energy, which helps to decrease bleeding and reduce the swelling experienced after the procedure. For the first 24 hours following treatment, some minor discomfort may be experienced. Some minor and temporary bruising may also be present, but should disappear within two or three days. Patients are usually able to return to their normal activities about 24 hours following Smart Lipo.

Depending on the area that was treated, some physicians may prescribe a compression garment to aid in the healing process. Patients should speak to a medical professional for more information about the use of a compression garment and any side effects that may be present with Smart Lipo.

After the initial swelling has subsided, the area should begin to appear tighter and toned. As the skin adjusts to the patient's new curves, results will typically continue to improve for six to eight weeks following the procedure. Optimal results are typically present after about eight weeks following treatment.

Smart Lipo may be effective in treating localized fat deposits in the buttocks, chin, belly, hips, waist, arms, pubic mound and thighs. Smart Lipo may be used in conjunction with traditional liposuction in some cases. Those interested in combining Smart Lipo with traditional liposuction should speak to a physician about the benefits of such a combination and whether it will help them achieve their personal body contouring goals.

Smart Lipo is not intended for obese or overweight individuals. It is meant for patients in good health with small pockets of localized fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. It is primarily a body contouring procedure and not intended as a means for losing a large amount of weight. Patients who are obese or overweight should talk to their doctor about other treatments or lifestyle changes that may be helpful in losing weight and improving their health.

Patients in Rosedale, New York who would like to know more about how Smart Lipo is performed, its possible risks and side effects and the benefits that it may provide should speak to a medical professional at a well-equipped clinic in their area for more information.

Learn more about smart lipo in Rosedale, New York.
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