When to Use Dermabrasion

For a lot of patients in Chesterfield, Missouri or other surrounding communities, determining when to turn to dermabrasion to overcome various skin conditions or signs of aging can be confusing. A consultation with a cosmetic specialist in the area will often help to shed light on the question as patients struggle to determine when to seek treatment. Dermabrasion has helped individuals overcome a variety of cosmetic concerns including scarring, pigmentation problems, and signs of aging like fine lines or wrinkles. The severity of these conditions may play a role in determining when to use this procedure as opposed to other, less invasive options.

To be considered a candidate for dermabrasion, patients should be in good health and should not have recently have had a sunburn or chemical peel. Patients should also have not received radiation treatment recently, nor should they have acne or other skin conditions. To determine one's candidacy, those who are interested are encouraged to speak with a cosmetic specialist familiar with dermabrasion in the Chesterfield community. 

It is also important to consider whether the individual is able to avoid sun exposure as they recover. What's more, those who have a lighter skin tone usually have better results, although this is not always the case. Patients who have taken Accutane in the last year and a half or who have certain skin sensitivities or a history of cold sores are generally not considered good candidates for the procedure. Patients who are not in good general health are also usually not considered an ideal candidate.

Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of an abrasive brush or wheel that resurfaces the skin by removing top layers of skin. This helps to reduce differences in depth between areas where the skin feels and appears smooth, and where there are noticeable pits or depressions in the skin. Patients will be sedated in some cases along with a local anesthetic, while others are put under general anesthesia. An antiseptic is used to cleanse the skin before treatment, and the skin is later frozen using a Freon spray. 

In the first days of recovery, patients will notice that their skin feels abraded and may be swollen. Over time, it will scab over and the swelling will begin to go away. The scabbing will then start to come off. Patients may be prescribed a medication to deal with any pain during this time, while some are given antibiotics to help fight off infection. The skin will usually appear pinkish for a few weeks before regaining its color. 

Most patients notice their color returns after a month or two. As recovery occurs, patients should reduce sun exposure as much as possible. Some are instructed to avoid the sun completely. What's more, patients should avoid certain activities such as those that are strenuous, shaving, and others that may disturb the skin. Patients are usually allowed to return to work after a few days of recovery, although when they return is often a personal choice. Makeup may be worn after about a week to help hide any pinkish appearance the skin has following the procedure.

Most are pleased with their results after only a single session of dermabrasion, although those who have deeper scarring or pitting may require multiple sessions to reach desired results. This is something that should be discussed with a cosmetic specialist in the Chesterfield area, as the number of sessions or the treatment plan will often vary from one patient to the next. The cost of a single session varies depending on the clinic, so it is best to discuss this with a specialist in the area.

Learn more about dermabrasion in Chesterfield, Missouri

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