Acne Treatment Myths and Facts

Acne treatment is often a necessary process for teens or adults experiencing acne breakouts. Acne is a common skin disease resulting when the oil ducts become clogged and infected. Before selecting a particular treatment, it is important to know acne treatment myths and facts.

Myth: Acne Is Caused by Improper Cleansing.

Fact: Keeping the skin clean by washing twice daily with a mild soap and water can reduce bacteria and acne. Cleansing properly may help to diminish breakouts, but acne is not caused by improper cleansing. Too much scrubbing may irritate the skin and aggravate the problem. Although the exact cause of acne is unknown, acne flare-ups are brought on from beneath the skin, where cleansing is impossible.

Myth: Chocolate and Fried Foods Cause Acne.

Fact: Although the exact cause of acne is unknown, several factors can worsen the skin infection such as hormonal changes and overactive oil glands, heredity and stress. Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables and exercising may help to lessen the acne and prevent flareups, but there is no scientific evidence proving that foods such as chocolate and fried foods will cause acne.

Myth: Sun Exposure and Tanning Cures Acne.

Fact: Sun exposure and tanning may temporarily dry out the skin, but it may cause cancer and premature aging. Tanning also damages the skin pores, allowing for more acne and skin damage in the future. Always use a minimum SPF 15 sunscreen when outdoors and a higher SPF 40 to 50 with longer exposures, or wear protective clothing. Look for sunscreen products that will not clog pores such as "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic." Apply more sunscreen every two hours, and after swimming, towel drying or sweating. Limit your time and avoid going out in the sun in the middle of the day when the sun is strongest. 

Myth: Acne Is Not a Big Problem and Will Disappear Eventually.

Fact: Acne can lower self-esteem and cause a lack of confidence and decreased social skills. Problems with acne may cause anxiety and depression. Both the diminished confidence and acne may be carried on later in life into adulthood.

Myth: Squeezing Pimples Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Acne.

Fact: Squeezing pimples is not the best way to get rid of acne, as it normally causes scars which can become permanent, and may lead to further acne breakouts that are worse than before.

Myth: Acne Medicine Will Get Rid of Acne Immediately.

Fact: Even with acne medicine, several weeks or months are necessary before noticing a good improvement with the condition. Usually the problem becomes worse prior to getting better.

Myth: Most Makeup Does Not Worsen Acne.

Fact: Most makeup on the market today, from 70 to 80 percent, is still oil-based. Although makeup is not normally the cause of acne, it may aggravate certain skin conditions and acne lesions. Water-based makeup is less likely to aggravate skin acne. It is also important to always select a makeup application or acne treatment that is suited to the individual's particular skin type and skin condition.

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