Epidermal Leveling and Dry Skin

Epidermal Leveling is a safe and effective new exfoliation treatment that can be used for all skin types. It is done by applying a special blade, called an “Epiblade,” against the skin surface using a gentle, sweeping action. In addition to removing the superficial layers of the skin, the treatment also removes hair temporarily without causing any harm to the skin or follicle.

What to Expect with Dry Skin

The superficial layers of the skin are removed in Epidermal Leveling, giving the skin a smoother appearance. Because dead skin cells are removed in this treatment, it can be very helpful for patients who are suffering from dry skin. It is also used for treating fine line wrinkles because of its stimulating and rejuvenating effects on skin tissue.

The procedure is non-invasive, painless and does not require the use of any chemicals. When undergoing Epidermal Leveling, the patient only feels that her dry skin is gently being scraped. There is zero downtime after the procedure. Improvement in the texture and appearance of the skin is apparent immediately after the first treatment, making it an excellent procedure to have done prior to a special event.

After the Epidermal Leveling procedure, the skin not only appears smoother, but also luminous and fresh looking. The dead skin cells of dry skin are effectively removed. The effect, however, is not permanent and patients are recommended to have their skin treated once every 4-6 weeks.

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