Potential Risks and Complications of Epidermal Leveling

Epidermal Leveling is an innovative method to rejuvenate your dull, lifeless skin. It minimizes acne scars and uneven pigmentation. It is suitable for all skin types. Under this method, the surgeon uses a special instrument to remove the problematic top layer of your skin. This method is normally safe and pain free. However, it is not recommended for those suffering from severe acne. The potential risks and complications involved in this procedure are minimal. You may experience slight redness and mild swelling on the treated areas for a few hours after treatment. The area treated may be hypersensitive and dry for one to three days. You may even feel tightness in your skin.

How Does It Work?

Epidermal Leveling removes your facial hair temporarily. Hence, it is not possible to treat the areas near the eyebrows and the hair line. As this method uses chemical free solution, you may need to undergo several reoccurring therapy sessions. If you want to get the best results, you need to receive the treatment once a month. The cost of undergoing repeated procedures is high.

Complications of Epidermal Leveling

One of the main complications in Epidermal Leveling is that it may cause flaking or crusting in your skin for two to seven days. You should not rub the flaking or crusting areas, as this would cause infection and scarring. If you use this procedure to treat acne or rosacea, you must follow certain lifestyle changes to reduce the chances of re-occurrence.

After treatment, your skin will be extremely sensitive to sun. Hence, it is not advisable to go out in the sun without applying a quality sunscreen that has a sun protective factor of 30 or more. You should avoid using products that contain glycolic acid, retinoic acid, perfume, and coloring agents after getting this treatment.

The Epidermal Leveling procedure may be unsuitable if you have active acne lesions of stage 3 or 4. If you have keloid scars or have undergone prior RoAccutane therapy, you cannot benefit from this treatment. This procedure is, however, safe for pregnant and nursing women.

Ensure that the doctor who administers this treatment for you is qualified to do so and has the necessary certification. Epidermal Leveling can be done only by trained professionals in the physician’s office. The procedure may cause slight pain. It is very important to follow maintenance tips specified by the therapist. Your new, exposed skin needs more protection and nutrients. Hence, you must use certain specialized skin care products after the treatment.

Side Effects

It is always worth considering the potential risks and complications of Epidermal Leveling, before choosing this treatment option. Minor side effects like redness and swelling normally vanish within a week. You can consult with a professional to design the program in order to achieve the best results and minimize potential complications. This is particularly important if you have dark skin. If you have sensitive or extremely dry skin, professionals may advise you to take certain measures prior to treatment for enhanced results. 

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